You think he’s handsome, but you don’t want him to know

By Caleece

Damian: Good morning Kyla, great seeing you.

Kyla: (Thinks: Act normal) – I’m good thanks, how are you?

Admit it. There’s a guy and you’ve caught yourself glancing his way more than a few times. There’s something about his charm, his effortless style, and the way he carries himself that has you hmmm, intrigued. But here’s the twist, you’re not about to let him know. At least, not yet.

We’ve all been there, attracted to someone, but not ready to give them the satisfaction of knowing just how much they’ve caught our attention. Whether it’s a fear of vulnerability, a need to maintain control, or simply enjoying the mystery, sometimes it’s more fun to keep them guessing. So, how do you navigate the tricky terrain of subtle attraction? Here are some tips to keep things under wraps, while still enjoying the game.

Master the art of the casual compliment

You think he’s handsome, but that doesn’t mean you need to gush over him like he’s the last man on earth. Instead, master the art of the casual compliment. Keep it simple and breezy. Mention how he’s got great taste in music or how you like his sense of humor, but leave it at that. No need to dive into physical attributes, “Yet”. This will keep him intrigued and guessing whether you’re into him for more than his looks.

Play it cool with your body language

The way you carry yourself speaks volumes, and if you don’t want him to know just how attracted you are, then control your body language. Avoid fidgeting, don’t over-smile, and resist the urge to lean in too much when you’re talking to him. Confidence is key, stand tall, maintain eye contact (but not for too long), and let your energy remain calm and composed. You want to strike a balance between approachable and mysterious.

Flirt without flirting

Flirting without letting someone know they’re the center of your attention is a skill. Engage in playful banter and drop hints of interest, but avoid being overly complimentary or obvious. Let the conversation flow naturally, be witty, keep it lighthearted, and never be the one to over-pursue. Leave room for him to wonder if there’s something more between you two, or if you’re just effortlessly charming with everyone.

Don’t give away all the attention

If you’re in a group setting, avoid interacting with him alone. Speak to others, engage in different conversations, and don’t make him feel like he’s the only person in the room. This subtle tactic will make him want to vie for your attention, especially if he senses you’re interested in others, too. Keeping your social interactions well-rounded shows him that you’re independent and not fixated solely on him.

Keep your cards close to your chest

You know he’s attractive, but that doesn’t mean you need to make any grand declarations or obvious moves. Sometimes, less is more. Keep the conversations flowing, but let him be the one to figure out if there’s any romantic potential. By not laying your cards on the table right away, you leave room for intrigue and excitement. After all, a little mystery never hurt anyone.

Focus on what attracts you beyond looks

Physical attraction can be undeniable, but remind yourself to look deeper. If you’re into him, try to identify what about his personality draws you in. Is he funny, kind, ambitious? Highlighting these qualities in your mind will keep you from getting lost in his appearance alone and help you maintain your cool when interacting with him.

Trust your instincts

At the end of the day, trusting your gut is essential. If you’re holding back because you’re not sure if he’s interested, let him make the first move. If you’re just enjoying the game of subtle attraction, then keep playing by your rules. Whatever you choose, remember that it’s okay to protect your emotions and pace things the way that feels right for you.

Why keeping him guessing can be fun

There’s a certain thrill in holding back your feelings, especially when it comes to attraction. By not putting all your cards on the table, you maintain a sense of control and mystery. It keeps things exciting and allows you to assess whether the connection runs deeper than just a handsome face. Sometimes, letting someone figure you out on their own can be a satisfying slow burn.  Whatever you choose, stay away from manipulative tactics.

The bottom line

You think he’s handsome, but you don’t want him to know, at least, not yet. And that’s perfectly okay. In fact, it can be empowering. You have the right to manage your attraction on your terms, and if that means playing it cool while keeping him guessing, then enjoy the process. After all, it’s all part of the fun.

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