What Is Keratinization In Hair

They say strong bones require calcium. What does strong hair need?


What is it

Keratinization is the process that strengthens a hair fiber. In other words, keratinization is the maturing process of the living cells that divide within the hair follicle to make up your hair strand.  As these newly formed cells mature, they produce a large amount of the fibrous protein called keratin, lose their nucleus, and die.

Why does keratinization occur

Keratinization of these mature cells results in the formation of a strong waterproof barrier which also determines how strong hair is as well as its shape.

How does Keratinanization benefit hair

The cells of the hair strand must go through the hardening process to strengthen it. If hair strands do not go through the keratinization process, this hair will be weaker than its keratinized counterpart.

What Is Keratin In Hair

Keratin is the structural protein that is abundant in your hair, skin, and nails. It maintains cell shape and gives your hair its strength and structure. It can be found in the hair follicle, on the outer layer of the hair strand called the “cuticle” as well as the middle layer of your hair strand known as the ‘cortex’.

Proteins are not only essential for the proper functioning of our bodies, they are also an essential part of healthy hair.   A healthy hair strand can be composed of mostly Keratin. 

What happens if there is not enough Keratin in the body

While severe protein deficiencies are uncommon in the Western world, some studies show that various autoimmune diseases and challenges with skin, hair, and nails can arise if there is not enough keratin in the body. Learn more about keratin and why it’s essential here. [3]

External sources of keratin

Once keratinized, exposed areas of the body such as hair can no longer regenerate protein, therefore, protein treatments formulated for certain hair types may be beneficial for some individuals. Consulting with qualified professionals is important when considering the use of protein treatments.


Keratinization is the hardening process of the living cells that divide within the hair follicle to make up your hair strand.  The keratinization process forms a waterproof barrier that protects hair, skin, nails, certain tissues, and organs from outside elements.

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