The tough decision mothers must make when choosing to co-parent – Brie’s Story


It’s been two days since Eliza’s father sent the message to Brie. Brie hasn’t eaten, she’s barely slept, constantly crying, asking herself, “Why her”, “What did she do to deserve this”.

She feels angry, sad, confused, alone, stuck, everything but happy.

Brie says to herself: “I feel like my life is falling apart. Everything I’ve been doing to improve my life is being interrupted by these damn people! It’s too much! I don’t want to do this sh*t anymore! Why do I even bother?”

How did we get to this point?

Brie has been a single mother for 14 years. She’s raised her 14-year-old daughter alone since inception. Throughout these 14 years, she has had recurring conflict with her child’s father, and limited connection to family. She does have some family close by, however, one out of the 2 family members she is connected with creates constant conflict. Brie moved to a new city with Eliza to give herself what she had been longing for her whole life. Peace, happiness, adventure.

Her child’s father has been a constant hurdle for her over the last 14 years. He has even created problems in their daughter’s life, which Brie ended up having to spend the majority of those 14 long and difficult years of parenting alone trying to fix.

How it all started

Brie and her daughter’s father met when she was in her early twenties. To be honest, she had no clue what she was doing in a relationship. All she knows is that there was a guy who reminded her of something she was missing and she was not aware at the time that her attraction to him was not love. She was subconsciously filling a gap, an “unconscious unmet need”. Despite all the red flags of him neglecting her needs, cheating, verbal abuse, physical abuse, lying, and so much more, she continued with the relationship.

Brie thought of leaving multiple times, but before she could leave, she became pregnant. When she was pregnant with Eliza, Brie “thought I don’t want to stay, I’m not happy with him, but I need to stay for my child so that she can have a home with both parents”. For months Brie doubted that was the right decision so much so that she eventually disconnected from the relationship mentally and emotionally. After about 6 months, the relationship ended.

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