The negative effects of self neglect and how self love makes a positive impact.

By Caleece

So, in Tori’s case, it is best for her to share expectations and set and share her boundaries, but also leave it in the hands of the other person to act on “choosing” to meet such expectations. She has done as much as she can do at this point.  Letting go will help her resolve and get over most of the emotional conflict that accompanies the challenges of her relationships thus mitigating the risks of any emotional outbursts on her part in the future.

Tori will feel less stressed because she will be carrying less emotional baggage thus contributing to a healthier happier her.

As women, It’s important for us to “take” time for ourselves. In our scenario, Tori may have been forced into making time for herself, however giving herself what she needed in the moment resulted in a reduction in the emotional turmoil she was in, therefore reducing the stress on her body.  This is the start of the roadmap to “Self love”

Self Love is the positive attention you provide to yourself with the intention of improving or maintaining your overall happiness or well-being.


In summary, our physical and mental health are positively or negatively influenced by our emotional wellbeing.  Dismissal or repression of emotions can lead to certain disorders, so it is in our best interest that when needed, we allow ourselves the opportunity to cry or employ other positive ways to express our emotions.  It is also  important to identify expectations and determine the best path for us to take to meet such expectations.  If such expectations can not be met by us, knowing and setting boundaries for ourselves will streamline our decision making processes.

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