The negative effects of self neglect and how self love makes a positive impact.


What else can lead to self-neglect?

Most women have multiple relationships to manage in addition to their relationship with themselves.  These relationships tend to come with expectations.  Our expectations of ourselves and the expectations others have of us are major determining factors in whether or not we practice self-love.

In the Coillins dictionary “expectations” is defined as – “your strong hopes or beliefs that something will happen or that you will get something that you want.”

Tori and Jay (her significant other) have been together for over 5 years now, however, they are experiencing some challenges within their relationship. Jay has become distant, and despite her efforts to understand and resolve the matter, Tori can’t get through to them.  There are also the pressures of performing at work, failing to meet deadlines due to some miseducation, and colleagues’ failure to complete their own tasks.  These and other common challenges can be reasons a person may become overwhelmed from expectations not being met, leading to undesirable outcomes.

Meeting our own expectations can be challenging, not to mention meeting the expectations of others.  However, it is important that we invest the time in understanding and setting personal boundaries for ourselves and the people we interact with.

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