The negative effects of self neglect and how self love makes a positive impact.

By Caleece

As Tori sat at her desk working away at her assigned tasks, she felt an odd tightness in her chest along with some difficulty breathing.  

A noise escaped her mouth and Tori clasped her hands over her mouth.

What’s happening?

She jumped from her chair and ran to the room at end of the hallway.   Luckily, she made it just in time.  Collapsing to her knees she burst into tears, wondering, what is happening to me? Get it together!  

Feeling shaky, she lay beside the closed door weeping and struggling to stabilize her breathing.  Tori tried everything she could to hold back her tears, but nothing worked, the more she fought the more tears came and the more intense the tightness in her chest.  Eventually, she stopped resisting and allowed herself to relax into crying.  Tori was puzzled because It felt so good to cry.

But, why?

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