Hair Extensions for beginners: Everything you need to know before installing hair extensions

By Caleece
Source | Sound On

Hello beautiful!

Are you curious about wearing extensions but unsure of where to start?  Use this comprehensive step-by-step guide to understand how to start and determine your next steps.

So, What exactly are hair extensions?

Well, hair additions or hairpieces (another name for extensions) are pre-determined sections of hair that can be added to your natural hair to achieve certain goals.  The same effect can be achieved with loose hair strands (bulk hair).

Did you know that in movies, many actors don’t grow beards or other body hair to play certain roles? Special effects artists use various types of hair extensions to create natural-looking body hair.

What are the different types of hair extensions?

There are two commonly used types of hair extensions: synthetic and human hair but there are more than 10 different ways to install both types.  Both can be great options depending on your desired installation method. Your decision to choose between them ultimately comes down to your unique preferences.

Why choose human hair extensions?

Human hair additions are a great option for those who prefer a long-lasting solution or would like to treat them as they would their natural hair. For instance, if you would like to wash or heat style your pieces, human hair is the best option for you.  

Also, those with a flexible budget may prefer human hair options because they are considered higher quality, and usually cost more than their synthetic alternatives.

Why choose synthetic hair extensions?

Synthetic hair additions are a great option for those who aren’t picky about how long their pieces would last or regular styling. For instance, if you would like to try multiple styles, colors, lengths, textures, etc. regularly or over a short period, synthetic hair is the best option for you. 

If your budget is somewhat fixed, you may prefer synthetic hair options because they generally cost less than their human hair alternatives.

Discover commonly asked questions and answers about human and synthetic hair.

What are some reasons for using hair extensions?

There are various reasons for wearing hair extensions.  This includes trying something new, adding length, fullness, or color to your natural hair, and even enhancing confidence.  

7 Steps to follow before installing hair extensions

Step 1 – Identify your reasons for wanting to wear hair extensions.

In all areas of our lives, it’s necessary for us to be confident in our ability to make the “right decisions for US”. To help yourself make the best decision for you and avoid falling into the trap of doing what others are doing, or being convinced to do something you’ll regret later, ask yourself a few key questions to determine your hair extension goals.

What are your needs?

  • Do you need extensions that you can style every day?
  • Do you need extensions that look natural (looks like it’s your own hair)?
  • Do you need length (if yes how long)?
  • etc.

These questions will help you understand the most common needs of people who wear extensions.

Discover 14 yes or no questions that can help you identify your hair extension needs.

What are your expectations?

  • Do you expect your extensions to be heat-friendly (can be flat ironed)?
  • Do you expect your extensions to keep the same style after washing it?
  • etc.

These questions will help you understand exactly what you’re trying to get from your installation.

Discover 11 yes or no questions that can help you identify what you expect to gain from your hair extensions.

What are your limitations?

  • Do you have hair that is weak, brittle, or fragile in any way for any reason?
  • Do you sweat a lot?
  • etc.

If you’re serious about trying hair extensions, knowing the answers to these questions gives you an advantage during the decision-making process, and after making the purchase.

Discover 11 yes or no questions that can help you identify what might get in the way of you being satisfied with your decision.

Step 2 – What is your hair extension personality?

After identifying your reasons for wanting hair extensions, take a moment to discover your “Hair Extension Personality” below:

Hair Extension Personalities

Dynamic Diva

  • Embraces extensions for their versatility and ability to switch between different styles and looks while effortlessly transforming her look.

Bold Beauty

  • Embraces extensions to express her mood, experiment with new colors, styles, and lengths, while creating stunning looks that celebrate her natural texture.

Voluminous Vixen

  • Uses extensions to add volume and fullness to her hair, making every day a good hair day.

Creative Maven

  • Enjoys experimenting with colors, lengths, and styles using extensions as a canvas to express creativity through her hair.

Confident Charmer

  • Finds confidence in extensions, enhancing her natural beauty and expressing her unique style.

Adventurous Enthusiast

  • Appreciates extensions for their ability to transform her hair dramatically, always ready to explore new hair trends and styles.

Don’t worry if you think you fall into more than one category – that’s perfectly fine. Our preferences are often influenced by our moods, environment, relationships, and many other factors. It’s okay if your hair personality changes, it’s a great indicator that your unique style is evolving!

Step 3 – What is your hair type

This may seem strange, but knowing your hair type will contribute immensely to simplifying the decision-making process. If you’re asking “What does that have to do with anything?” Continue reading.

How knowing your hair type can help you

Beginning your search for the right hair extensionist and knowing what questions to ask when interviewing your stylists.  

For instance: 

  • If you have afro-textured hair you should seek stylists who are skilled and knowledgeable in protective styling methods and the techniques required to achieve your desired installation results.
  • If you have fine or thinning hair, you should seek extensionists who specialize in serving clients with fine, thinning, or bare areas on the scalp.
  • If you have very thick or very fine hair, to ensure your hair extensions blend naturally with your hair, certain blending techniques may be required for a desirable result.  

Purchasing, installing, and caring for your hair and hair extensions.

For instance:

  • Your hair type also helps you determine the right vendors to seek out to ensure you choose the appropriate hair extension texture to meet your needs.
  • Your hair extensionist will use your hair type to determine the best installation method, aftercare products, and techniques.
  • Etc.

So, what are the different hair types and how do you find yours?

There are four main hair types, straight, wavy, curly, and coily/kinky.  Hair type is a way of classifying hair based on its curl pattern, texture (how it feels), and overall behavior.  To identify yours, review the list below and examine loose strands of your natural hair against a white background.

Type 1: Straight Hair

  • 1A: Very straight, fine, and soft. It tends to get oily and lacks volume.
  • 1B: Straight with more volume and some body. It is thicker and more resilient.
  • 1C: Straight with body and a slight wave. It is coarse and tends to be more prone to frizz.

Type 2: Wavy Hair

  • 2A: Fine and thin with a loose, tousled wave. Easy to style and straighten.
  • 2B: Wavy with more defined S-shaped waves. It can be frizzy and has more volume.
  • 2C: Wavy with thick, coarse waves. It is prone to frizz and tends to form loose curls.

Type 3: Curly Hair

  • 3A: Loose, large curls with a definite S-shape. It is usually shiny and has a soft texture.
  • 3B: Tighter, springy curls with a smaller circumference. It has more volume and is prone to frizz.
  • 3C: Very tight, corkscrew curls. It is dense, coarse, and can be more challenging to manage.

Type 4: Coily/Kinky Hair

  • 4A: Soft, tightly coiled hair with a visible S-pattern. It is dense and retains moisture well.
  • 4B: Very tightly coiled with a Z-pattern. It is soft and fragile, with less defined curls.
  • 4C: Tightly coiled with no defined curl pattern. It is the most fragile and prone to shrinkage.

Discover how you can identify your hair type.

Step 4 – Identify the condition of your hair and scalp

A well-informed and well-trained hair extensionist will be aware of the risks associated with installing and wearing extensions.  Before the installation process, they would assess the condition of your hair to determine if the service is suitable for you, and if necessary make relevant recommendations.

By identifying and understanding your hair condition before embarking on your search for the right extensionist for you, you empower yourself to make wise purchasing decisions, ask informed questions, that ensure you can meet your desired hair goals.

What is hair condition?

Hair condition refers to how well-moisturized, strong, shiny, and free of significant damage your hair and scalp are.  It’s important to choose hair extension installation methods that support your unique hair conditions or the conditions you would like to create for your hair and scalp.

For instance: 

  • Moisture Level: Whether your hair is dry, well-hydrated, or oily.
    • If you have natural type 3 to type 4 hair and your goal is to wear extensions as a protective style aimed at length and moisture retention, choosing an installation method that results in your hair being exposed to the natural environment would not help you achieve that goal.
  • Smoothness and Shine: How smooth and shiny your hair looks, indicating health and proper care.
    • If your goal is to maintain smoothness and manage frizz, choosing an installation method that limits your ability to regularly treat and moisturize your hair would not be beneficial.
  • Strength and Elasticity: How strong your hair is and its ability to stretch without breaking.
    • If your hair strands are weak and damaged, your hair will be more prone to breakage so choosing an installation method that adds additional “uncontrolled” weight directly to your hair strands could result in breakage, hair loss, or other damage.

Find out how strong your hair is by taking the elasticity test.

  • Damage: The presence of any damage like split ends, breakage, or frizz.
    • If your hair strands are heat damaged, using an installation method that requires heat during the installation process will only add to the damage and worsen your current hair challenges like frizz, split ends, or breakage.
  • Scalp Health: The condition of your scalp, which affects hair growth and health. Do you have scalp conditions that can be irritated or require regular treatment?
    • If your scalp requires regular cleansing, choosing an installation method that limits access to your scalp can create additional unwanted challenges in meeting this need of yours.

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you determine which extension style is the best option for you right now, it helps you plan your hair care routine, what questions to ask your stylists, and what concerns to share with them, so that you can both work together to ensure this process is a positive experience for you.

Step 5 – What specific goals are you trying to accomplish by installing hair extensions

Alright, now that you know your hair type and condition, you’ve identified your reasons for wanting to wear hair extensions and you’ve even identified your hair extension personality, it’s time to use all that information to set some realistic goals that you will use to help you find the right hair extensions, hair extensionist, the best haircare and maintenance routine, even hair products, and so much more!

Setting clear goals 

One of the major challenges hairstylists and their new clients encounter is that they don’t understand “yet” how to communicate with each other.  This challenge often leads to unhappy experiences for clients who may feel they received a style or service they didn’t ask for.  Miscommunication can be mitigated by setting clear goals and communicating them well with your stylist.  A well-trained hairstylist knows that a detailed consultation with clients is essential for a successful long-term business relationship. 

This is why your goals are crucial for clearly communicating what you want with your stylist, as well as deciding what you feel is best for you.

So, What are your goals? (Hair Extension Personality Scenarios)

Alright! I hope you’re excited because you’re so much closer to getting those extensions installed.

Remember, hair extensions should fit into your lifestyle.  You shouldn’t have to force yourself to fit your lifestyle around them.  

Let’s create some goals for each “Hair Extension Personality”:  You can find each example below.

To create the goals, we’ll use everything we’ve learned from this guide so far to set your goals which you will then use to communicate with your stylist, vendors, etc.  

Key points to remember:

– Setting clear goals has everything to do with you “taking inventory of your life” – (a lifestyle audit) – and then making informed decisions accordingly. – Reflect on what you do daily, and what you’ll be doing in the future to better understand your lifestyle . (Egs. career, hobbies, family, travel, clubs, associations, etc.).

– Determine your likes and dislikes as it relates to hair and the haircare process

– Write a brief summary of your life and be sure to mention your hair type, hair condition, and everything in the previous two goal-setting steps above (1 & 2). Use the answers to the questions from step 1 in this guide to help with this.

– Use a simple outline to structure how you will explain yourself.  For example – I have [these needs] coupled with [these expectations] and the things that would make this experience challenging for me are [these limitations]. Use the answers to the questions from step 1 in this guide to help with this.

  • Needs – Top 3-5 things you just can’t do without.
  • Expectations – What you want to get from your extensions and/or installation
  • Limitations – Top reason(s) installing hair extensions would become difficult.

– Compile the details you add to the above outline into “What you would say to your stylist” as shown below.

Dynamic Diva


Imagine you’re the “Dynamic Diva”, you regularly participate in networking events, and travel often for business.  You take pride in being able to change your look at least once per week but because of your busy lifestyle, you don’t have much time to invest in styling your hair or visiting a hairstylist.  You re-wear your hair extensions, but it’s not a major concern and your budget is flexible, so that’s not an issue.  You have type 1B hair that is fairly healthy because you don’t do any chemical processing and prefer not to have to visit a hair salon unless you absolutely need to.  Though you don’t visit a stylist often and want changing your look to be quick, you’re intentional about your choices and expect any style you wear to reflect elegance and sophistication, all while looking natural. 

Needs, Expectations, Limitations

I have [these needs] coupled with [these expectations] and the things that would make this experience challenging for me are [these limitations]

  • Needs – I need hair extensions that are easy and fast for me to install and remove by myself, look natural, and retain their style for a long time without me needing to style them.  
  • Expectations – When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be easy to travel with, and allow me to switch between different styles, lengths, and colors
  • Limitations – Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I don’t have much time to visit the hair salon or style the hair myself   

What you would say to your stylist

I need hair extensions that are easy and fast for me to install and remove by myself, look natural, and retain their style for a long time without me needing to style them.  When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be easy to travel with, and allow me to switch between different styles, lengths, and colors.  However, wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I don’t have much time to visit the hair salon, or style the hair myself.

Bold Beauty


Imagine you’re the “Bold Beauty”, You embrace your 4C hair type and use extensions to express your mood and creativity. You love experimenting with new colors, styles, and lengths regularly all while celebrating your natural texture. As a professional who frequently attends cultural events, community gatherings, and social functions, you believe your hairstyle is a reflection of your dynamic personality. You enjoy the versatility of extensions, allowing you to switch effortlessly between protective styles like box braids, intricate updos, and natural twist-outs. You also love to create stunning looks that highlight the beauty of your 4C hair, whether it’s a voluminous afro, defined curls, or sleek styles with added texture.  You pamper yourself, and a trip to the hair salon is a cherished ritual for you, where you indulge in nourishing treatments. Because you use various moisturizing and styling products to maintain your looks, regular washing is a part of your routine to keep your hair healthy and vibrant.  Despite having a flexible budget you plan meticulously and invest in high-quality, long-lasting extensions that blend seamlessly with your natural hair.

Needs, Expectations, Limitations

I have [these needs] coupled with [these expectations] and the things that would make this experience challenging for me are [these limitations]

  • Needs – I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural, and can be washed and styled regularly.
  • Expectations – When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be long-lasting, heat-friendly, add length, color, and new style, be flexible and look great with frequent changes to their style, respond well to hair products, and contribute to protecting my natural hair.
  • Limitations – Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because my natural hair is fragile and requires proper care.

What you would say to your stylist

What you would say to your stylist – I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural, and can be washed and styled regularly. When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be long-lasting, heat-friendly, add length, color, and new style, be flexible and look great with frequent changes to their style, respond well to hair products, and contribute to protecting my natural hair. Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because my natural hair is fragile and requires proper care.

Voluminous Vixen


Imagine you’re the “Voluminous Vixen”, you love making a statement with your hair and believe that your hairstyle is a reflection of your vibrant personality. You’re a professional who frequently attends social events, fashion shows, and photoshoots where you love to stand out. You love volume all over and often invest hours creating the right amount in each style. You often alternate between your natural 4A curls, bouncy heat-styled curls, glamorous waves, and voluminous blowouts, you’re even creative enough to find ways to add volume to sleek hairstyles.  A trip to the hair salon is one of your favorite things to do because you love being pampered with hair treatments and of course the best part, “blowouts”.  Because you regularly use hair products like hairspray, you must wash your hair often. You even have a little secret for getting the most voluminous hair while you sleep “You put your long hair into a high bun at night to ensure your roots are nice and full in the mornings”. Although you have a fixed budget, you plan accordingly and pride yourself on investing only in the best long-lasting hair extensions.

Needs, Expectations, Limitations

I have [these needs] coupled with [these expectations] and the things that would make this experience challenging for me are [these limitations]

  • Needs – I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural, add volume, and that I can wash and style regularly.
  • Expectations – When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be heat-friendly, look full, I will be able to put my hair up, respond well to hair products, and allow me to change styles regularly.
  • Limitations – Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I have a fixed budget.

What you would say to your stylist

I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural, add volume, and that I can wash and style regularly.  When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be heat-friendly, look full, I will be able to put my hair up, respond well to hair products, and allow me to change styles regularly.  Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I have a fixed budget.

Creative Maven


Imagine you’re the “Creative Maven.” You’re a professional who also performs regularly with a band. You see your hair as an extension of your artistic expression and love experimenting with new, unconventional styles you create. You frequently change your look to reflect your current inspirations. Your hair is your canvas, and you delight in transforming it with length, unique colors, intricate braids, and avant-garde styles. Although you spend hours perfecting each look, trips to the hair salon are a regular part of your routine, where you collaborate with your stylist to bring your creative ideas to life. Because you do a lot of chemical processing your type 2A hair sometimes breaks and is dryer than normal. Though your budget is flexible, you also enjoy experimenting with both human and synthetic hair extensions, choosing the best option for each specific style. You prioritize high-quality extensions that can withstand frequent styling and coloring. Your goal is always to achieve a unique and artistic look that allows you to express your truest self, turn heads, and make a statement.

Needs, Expectations, Limitations

I have [these needs] coupled with [these expectations] and the things that would make this experience challenging for me are [these limitations]

  • Needs – I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural and can be washed, styled, and colored.  
  • Expectations – When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be heat-friendly, add length, allow me to do unique styles, and change styles and colors regularly.
  • Limitations – Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because due to regular chemical processing, my hair is dry and may break.   

What you would say to your stylist

I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural and can be washed, styled, and colored. When I wear my extensions I expect them to blend well with my hair, be heat-friendly, add length, allow me to do unique styles, and change styles and colors regularly.  Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because due to regular chemical processing, my hair is dry and sometimes breaks.

Confident Charmer


Imagine you’re the “Confident Charmer.” You believe your hair is an essential part of your allure and personal charm. You often attend social gatherings, upscale dinners, and important business meetings where you need to make a great impression. You prefer hairstyles that radiate confidence and sophistication without appearing too flashy.  You enjoy styles that are sleek and polished, yet full of body and movement. You have a knack for creating looks that are both professional and glamorous, often opting for smooth blowouts, elegant updos, and classic curls. While you enjoy visiting the hair salon for special occasions, you are skilled at maintaining your style at home.  You prioritize high-quality hair extensions that blend seamlessly with your natural hair and withstand frequent styling. Despite a busy schedule, you make time for regular hair care routines which include treatments for your 3C hair type to ensure your hair always looks its best. Your budget is fixed, but you invest wisely in long-lasting extensions that offer great value.

Needs, Expectations, Limitations

I have [these needs] coupled with [these expectations] and the things that would make this experience challenging for me are [these limitations]

  • Needs – I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural, respond well to hair products, and that I can wash and style regularly.  
  • Expectations – When I wear my extensions I expect them to add body, look natural, be heat-friendly, enable me to put my hair up, respond well to hair products, and allow me to change styles regularly. 
  • Limitations – Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I have a fixed budget and limited time to visit the hair salon or style the hair myself.

What you would say to your stylist

I need high-quality, long-lasting hair extensions that look natural, respond well to hair products, and that I can wash and style regularly. When I wear my extensions I expect them to add body, look natural, be heat-friendly, enable me to put my hair up, respond well to hair products, and allow me to change styles regularly. Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I have a fixed budget and limited time to visit the hair salon or style the hair myself.

Adventurous Enthusiast


Imagine you’re the “Adventurous Enthusiast.” You thrive on exploring new styles and expressing your adventurous spirit through your hair. You enjoy outdoor activities, travel, and trying new experiences, and you want your hair to reflect that sense of adventure.  You love experimenting with bold colors, unique braids, and creative hairstyles that stand out. Your hair extensions need to be durable and easy to manage, as you often find yourself in different environments, from beaches to mountains.  Frequent salon visits are not your thing; you prefer DIY methods that allow you to change your look quickly and efficiently. Because of your active lifestyle, you regularly moisturize your 1C hair and you invest in high-quality, low-maintenance extensions that can handle your active lifestyle and still look great. Even with a flexible budget, you focus on value and longevity in your hair choices.

Needs, Expectations, Limitations

I have [these needs] coupled with [these expectations] and the things that would make this experience challenging for me are [these limitations]

  • Needs – I need high-quality hair extensions that are easy and fast for me to install and remove by myself, durable, look natural, and retain their style for a long time without me needing to style them.  
  • Expectations – When I wear my extensions I expect them to be high-quality, long-lasting, heat-friendly, look natural, allow me to do unique colors & styles and change them regularly, be comfortable when I put my hair up, and respond well to harsh environments.
  • Limitations – Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I don’t have much time to visit the hair salon or style the hair myself.

What you would say to your stylist

I need high-quality hair extensions that are easy and fast for me to install and remove by myself, durable, look natural, and retain their style for a long time without me needing to style them. When I wear my extensions I expect them to be high-quality, long-lasting, heat-friendly, look natural, allow me to do unique colors & styles and change them regularly, be comfortable when I put my hair up, and respond well to harsh environments.  Wearing hair extensions would become challenging because I have little time to visit the hair salon or style the hair myself.

Step 6 – Searching for and finding the right hair extensions

Alright, now you know what some of your needs, expectations, and limitations are you can begin the search for your perfect extensions.

You’ve now taken the time to reflect on your personal needs, preferences, and lifestyle through our scenario exercises. With this understanding, you’re ready to start your journey to finding the perfect hair extensions that align with your goals.

To begin, reflect on the needs you identified in the scenario exercises. Are you looking for extensions that provide extra volume, length, or maybe a protective style that suits your busy lifestyle?

  • Example – If you’re someone who wants low-maintenance hair due to a hectic schedule (like in Scenario 2), you might want to look for hair extensions that require minimal styling and maintenance, such as pre-styled synthetic options or clip-ins.

Identify and consider your style preferences to guide your search.

  • Example – If you prefer a natural look with a middle part and subtle layers, seek out extensions that blend seamlessly with your hair texture and can be easily parted in the middle.

Keep your budget in mind. Knowing whether you’re looking for a long-term investment or a more affordable option will help you narrow down your search.

  • Example – If your scenario highlighted the importance of affordability, you might start by looking for high-quality synthetic extensions or keeping an eye out for sales on human hair options.

Step 7 – Choosing the right type of extensions:

There are more than 10 hair extension installation methods to choose from. Choosing the right type of hair extension for you depends on your individual goals and preferences. 

When choosing extensions, align the goals from your scenario exercises with the installation methods that best suit them.

Some installation methods include:

  • Clip-ins – Great for versatility and occasional use, ideal for those who like to switch up their look frequently.
  • Tape-ins – Great permanent option for most hair types and textures, that still offers some flexibility for those who need to put their hair up, or heat style their own hair to blend with their hair extensions.
  • Sew-ins/Weaves – Great long-term option best for protective styling, or offering some flexibility for those who need to put their hair up, or heat style their own hair to blend with their hair extensions.
  • Wigs – Offers maximum versatility in styling, color, and length—perfect for those who enjoy changing their look often or even a consistent style or length.  The right wig is great for all hair extension personalities.

Discover 12 hair extension installation methods for you to choose from.

Use reviews and recommendations

Throughout your journey, you can use reviews and recommendations from trusted sources that resonate with your scenario.  Be cautious and aware that there are some biased review sources.

  • Example – If your scenario involves frequent styling, search for reviews that highlight extensions known for their durability and heat resistance.

Ask the experts

If you’re unsure, consult with a hairstylist or visit a salon that specializes in hair extensions. They can offer advice tailored to your scenario outcomes.  Ask trusted hair vendors within your area to guide you in selecting hair extensions from their own inventory.

Try before you commit

  • Color and texture matching – Many companies offer samples also known as “swatches” for color and texture matching. Capitalize on these to ensure your extensions blend seamlessly with your natural hair.
  • Consider trial runs – If possible, try a temporary option like clip-ins or wigs before committing to more permanent extensions. This will help you ensure your desired hair extension color, texture, or length meets your needs.  –  Wigs today look so much more realistic than they have in the past, but remember, although the final look of a wig does not look as natural as other installation methods, don’t worry if testing a wig is not what you expected.

Make your final decision using facts

  • Use your hair extension personality to guide you – Use the insights from your extension personality scenario to guide your final decision. Consider how the extensions will fit into your lifestyle and whether they meet your long-term needs.
    • Example – If your scenario focuses on long-term wear with minimal upkeep, opt for high-quality human hair extensions that are known for durability.
  • Lessons learned – What lessons have you learned from your interactions and conversations with hair suppliers and hairstylists?  Use these lessons to guide your decision-making process.
  • Most importantly, What do “you” think and how do “you” feel? – Ultimately this is your decision to make, so be sure to take “your” opinions into consideration before everyone else’s.

Best wishes!!

Love Her.

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