Processed And Unprocessed Hair Extensions

Which one is best for you? Processed or Unprocessed hair.

By Caleece

Picture this:

Scenario # 1 – You pick an apple, wash it, slice it, caramelize it in brown sugar, bake it in a pie, then eat it.
Scenario # 2 – You pick an apple, wash it, and eat it.


Scenario #1 is a “processed” apple. This is the concept of “Processed hair”. 

Scenario #2 is an “unprocessed” apple.  This is the concept of “Un-Processed hair”.

Unprocessed hair extensions are in their natural state while processed hair extensions have been changed by straightening, curling or processing chemically.

Hair grading and classification

One criterion used for grading or classifying hair extensions is the hair’s history of processing.  The less processed the hair is, the better the quality.  When hair extensions are unprocessed, they will be more versatile with regard to the available styling and customization options, and they will have a much longer life span.  Unprocessed hair extensions will also cost more than processed varieties.

What is unprocessed hair

Raw human hair is unprocessed, in most cases, the cuticle is undisturbed and travels in the same direction from root to tip.  Unprocessed hair does not have defined curls or wave patterns, and some straight hair often does not look straight, because no single hair strand, coil, or ringlet is identical, or symmetrical.   

Customizing unprocessed or Raw human hair

With unprocessed or Raw human hair, options for customization include:

  • Cutting your hair into stylish and trendy styles
  • Coloring hair by adding highlights, lowlights, all over lightening and darker shades, or fashion colors.
  • Styling your hair using various heat styling methods
  • Styling using wet styling methods
  • Less product build up or less usage due to intact cuticles

What is processed hair

Processed hair has been altered from its natural state by any of the following methods:

Chemical treatments for the purpose of:

  • Coloring the hair 
  • Perming
  • Straightening
  • Chemical cleaning (acid baths)
  • Stripping the hair of its cuticle

Hot water and steam treatments for the purpose of:

  • Cleaning the hair
  • Styling the hair

Steam treatments are often used to give Virgin human hair different textures like those listed below, however, virgin hair still remains top quality hair and depending on the brand remains highly customizable.

  • Body wave
  • Deep wave
  • Deep curly
  • Kinky straight
  • Kinky curly

Customizing processed or Virgin human hair

With processed or Virgin human hair, options for customization include:

  • Cutting your hair into stylish and trendy styles. There may be some limitations.
  • Coloring hair by adding highlights, lowlights, all-over lightening and darker shades, or fashion colors.  There may be some limitations.
  • Styling your hair using heat styling methods.  There may be some limitations.
  • Styling using wet styling methods.  There may be some limitations.
  • Less product build-up or product usage due to intact cuticles.

Hair that is soaked in chemical baths is stripped of its cuticles and coated in silicone afterward to give them a temporary smooth finish.  This type of hair is not a good investment as they are over-processed and do not last very long. 

Visiting your hairstylist

When considering a visit to your hairstylist, gently processed or unprocessed hair is ideal if your goal is to reduce or eliminate limitations, especially with changing your hair extension’s color.  When hair is pre-colored, your stylist may not be able to perform services like highlights, all-over lighter colors, and some fashion color services.

Customizing over-processed hair

With overprocessed hair, options for customization include:

  • Cutting your hair into stylish and trendy styles. There may be many limitations as the hair may become stiff and hard to work with.
  • Coloring hair by adding lowlights, all-over colors of darker shades, or fashion colors (depending on the current color of the extensions).  There will be many limitations as the cuticle usually has gaps or holes that prevent proper absorption or retention of the color.  In most cases, further processing will cause the hair to become soft and mushy or exacerbate frizz, dryness, and brittleness.
  • Styling your hair using heat styling methods.  There will be many limitations as the hair may not curl, if it does curl it may not retain the curl, or it will cause further damage to the hair strand.
  • Styling using wet styling methods.  There will be many limitations as the hair may not curl or retain the curls for long.
  • There may be more product build-up or more product usage due to gaps, holes, or missing cuticles.

Keep in mind, once unprocessed hair is processed. Most changes can not be reversed.  


Unprocessed hair is hair that has not been altered in any way, while processed hair has had some changes to either its color or texture.  Unprocessed hair proves to be of greater value as it will last longer than overly processed hair.

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